Monday, October 6, 2008

Wii had a great time!

Saturday night was 'family' night...and it just wasn't the same without mom & dad! But they were on the phone with us for a least an hour and it was so great to have collective family time. I wanted to post a few fun pics so they could see the fun Wii had :)

On a blustery October day, nothing beats a good pizza and hours of Rock Band...

And Boxing....

I wish you could hear the audio that went along with these pictures.
It was so funny, I just had to throw my head back and laugh!
We had a great day, and this sunset was the perfect ending....

1 comment:

Dan and Barb said...

Oh how WII wish we could have been there! But, it sure looks like you had a lot of fun!! And we DID hear the audio! Over the phone!!!